A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test determines how quickly electrical signals move through a particular peripheral nerve. It is also sometimes known as a nerve conduction study and is used in the diagnosis of nerve damage or nerve dysfunction.


A part of the nervous system that regulates key involuntary functions of the body, including the activity of the heart muscle; the smooth muscles, including the muscles of the intestinal tract; and the glands. The autonomic nervous system has two divisions: the sympathetic nervous system, which accelerates the heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and raises blood pressure, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles.


Musculoskeletal ultrasound is an injury assessment technique that uses sound waves to create images of painful or injured areas in the body. This type of ultrasound helps to provide a noninvasive visible, high resolution images of injured areas without using radiation or causing patients further discomfort.


NCV— Nerve Conduction Velocity

Tests the peripheral nervous system to the arms, legs, and face. This test checks both sensory and motor nerve fibers. Nerve conduction velocity studies diagnose different entrapment neuropathies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as ulnar, radial, peroneal, femoral, posterior tibial, and peripheral neuropathies. The test checks axonal loss, demyelination of the peripheral nerves, and conduction blocks. It is useful in diagnosing anterior horn cell diseases, as seen in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and neuromuscular junction problems, such as myasthenia gravis. The test differentiates inherited neuropathies such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Dejerine-Sottas entrapment neuropathies (avoiding multiple unnecessary surgeries).

NCVs aid in the evaluation of:

- Herniated Disks
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Numbness and tingling
- Pain in the extremities
- Atrophy
- Entrapment neuropathies
- Thoracic outlet syndrom

- Radiculopathies
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Trauma to nerves
- Motor/sensory deficits
- Hot/cold sensation
- Neuritis


Musculoskeletal and Spinal Ultrasound

An ultrasound exam is a diagnostic test that uses high-frequency sound waves to image the body. Ultrasound is used to image the soft tissue structures and major blood vessels. An ultrasound test can help the doctor document soft tissue injuries and identify signs of inflammation in the facets, nerve roots, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

Musculoskeletal and spinal ultrasound aid in the evaluation of:

- Brachial injury/irritation
- Facet syndromes/injury
- Facet-referred pain
- Focal neuropathy
- Hyperflexion/ hyperextension injury
- Ligament strain/ inflammation
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Lumbosacral pain

- Malingering
- Musculoligamentous injuries
- Fibrous scars
- Myofascial irritation
- Myofascial pain
- Nerve root area inflammation
- Dermatomyositis
- Trigger points/ referred pain

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1498 Dulwich Court
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

P: 4044475735